Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The London School of Journalism is leaving Second Life in Mid-March

I received the announcement late on Sunday evening, shortly before I logged out for the evening. It was somewhat of a surprise when I read the group notice from Jilly Kidd, but not totally. I think we all have seen or heard of institutions packing up and leaving their experimentation with being virtual behind. The London School of Journalism (LSJ), has had a presence in Second Life for just over two years now. When it was established, Jilly Kidd had invited me to take part in the environment, where I hosted information about Lane's List and my in progress novel at the space station high above the SIM.  Ms. Kidd had been the estate manager and also ran the group.

Her group notice simply stated; "We're sorry to say the LSJ is leaving Second Life in mid-March. Do pop over to enjoy this lovely island in the final weeks and to enjoy what the LSJ has been doing here. We're grateful for the space the LSJ has provided for writers and for writing events. You can find their website, landmarks and other info on the notecard. The LSJ teaches writing in a variety of forms as well as journalism and has a great free contest on the website every month, so stay in touch."

While no specific date of departure was given, the notice concluded with, "Events will continue on Cookie Island." 

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